• Having your phone stolen can be a major inconvenience. Not only are you left without a cell phone until yours can be recovered or replaced, but you can be held responsible for any costs incurred on the phone while it is out of your control. A few years ago, there was not much hope for a stolen phone. Today, though, there are ways to track it as long as you plan ahead.

    Determine the GPS Coordinates

    In order to track a phone after it has been stolen, you will need to have already installed a GPS system into the phone. Depending on your carrier, this may be a service you can add on to your plan, or you may need to sign up with a third-party carrier. However you choose to add GPS to your phone, you should be able to track your phone's location at all times by contacting your GPS service provider and giving your information to the customer service representatives. Some companies even permit you to register with their website, which allows you to track the location of your phone without needing to speak to another individual.

    Deactivate the Phone

    Contact your service provider to report that your phone has been stolen and ask them to deactivate the phone. This is an essential step in the process of tracking down a stolen phone, as you can be charged for any unauthorized phone usage by the thief up until the time you report your phone stolen. Be aware that there may be a charge for reactivation, but that this is usually a minor fee, especially in comparison to potential usage by the thief.

    Contact the Police

    Many phone companies will ask that you provide written proof of the theft within 14 days. The best way to do this is through a police report. Visit your local police station to fill out the report for your stolen phone. You will need the make and model of your cell phone as well as the Electronic Serial Number. If you have already located the GPS coordinates of your phone, give these to an officer. It is important to note that you should never attempt to recover the phone yourself. This could put you in danger and cause potential legal problems if you accuse the wrong individual of stealing. Allow the police to help you retrieve your phone safely using the GPS coordinates.


    Street Directory: Stolen Phones: What You Can Do About Them

    EduBook: How to Track a Stolen Phone

    Mobiledia: Advice on a Stolen Phone

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