• Toe fungus occurs when microscopic fungi infect either your toes or one or more of your toenails. Fungi can affect fingernails as well as toenails, but toe fungus is more common because socks and shoes provide the dark, damp environment fungi thrive in.


    Athlete's foot is one type of fungus that typically develops between the toes. Symptoms of athlete's foot include stinging, burning and itching on the skin. Skin between your toes may crack and peel. Symptoms of toenail fungus include nails that are thickened, brittle or crumbly. Nails may be yellowed, streaked or spotted in appearance, and they may separate from the nail bed.


    Fungal infections of the toes and toenails are usually caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. Molds and yeasts can also cause fungal infections. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments such as showers and swimming pools and can easily be transferred to feet.


    Your doctor will examine your feet to determine if you have a fungal infection or another disorder. He may scrape skin from your toes or under your toenail to analyze the debris. Debris can be examined under a microscope or tested in a lab to identify the cause of your infection.


    Over-the-counter antifungal treatments are available. Your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medication, particularly if you are diabetic or at risk for cellulitis. He may also prescribe topical antifungal cream or an antibiotic if you also have a bacterial infection. If a toenail is causing you extreme pain, he may recommend surgery to remove it.


    It is easier to prevent toe fungus than it is to cure it. To help prevent fungal infections, keep your nails short and dry. Don't go barefoot in public places, and avoid sharing shoes or towels with someone who has toenail fungus.


    Mayo Clinic - Nail Fungus

    Mayo Clinic - Athlete's Foot

    More Information:

    Toenail Fungus

    Athlete's Foot

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