• Stretch marks, which are also commonly known as striae, can be an unsightly defect on otherwise nice skin. While many of the causes of stretch marks pertain to pregnancy, or sudden weight gain, some can also come about from athletes building up muscle quicker than normal. Athletes, therefore, have many remedies for removing the blemishes. However, the practices that they use to remove marks may work differently for every person that tries them. There are, therefore, some solutions that may work for you, while others may not.


    When skin is stretched too quickly, the flexible cells that make up the layers of skin can reach their limit and snap or break. Stretching skin too quickly is an event that happens frequently during puberty, when the body has growth spurts, or during pregnancy, when a large amount of weight is added to the woman's frame. Athletes also build muscle quickly while bulking up. Therefore, one of the best ways that athletes use to avoid stretch marks is to build their muscles slowly. While athletes, especially weight lifters, try to increase their muscle mass with high-intensity workouts, it often affects their skin negatively. Try to do a more steady workout. Slower is sometimes better, in this case. While athletes may be impatient to build their muscle mass, stretch marks are permanent and are very hard to get rid of, so be wary of what you're doing to your body.

    Hydrate Yourself

    Another method athletes use is to make sure that their bodies and cells are well hydrated. Athletes drink fluids constantly in order to keep their skin saturated in water and fluids. Like most anything, water makes the object it's hydrating less brittle and more flexible or pliable. Therefore, instead of a dry, inelastic skin cell that will easily break, an athlete that keeps himself full of liquids will have skin that can stretch further and snap back into place quicker--eliminating cell breakage and stretch marks.

    Use Lotions and Creams

    Athletes also use stretch mark lotions and creams. Many are on the market, and many are said to actually work. Cocoa butter lotion, for example, seems to work well. Use creams or lotions that include the ingredients emu oil or rose hip oil. Lotions with Vitamin E are also said to help with the prevention and reduction of already existing stretch marks by giving extra elasticity to skin. You can eat fruits and vegetables that are high in Vitamins E and C as well to achieve this result. Athletes, therefore, also eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals. While certain vitamins don't do anything for your skin, a well-balanced meal will help to achieve an overall healthy body.


    Web MD: Stretch Marks Getting Under Your Skin?

    Stretch Mark FAQ

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