• At a distance of 92.96 million miles from Earth, the Sun is our closest star. About one million Earths could fit inside the sun, but as stars go, it is medium-sized. Even so, it produces enough energy to lay the foundation for all life on Earth.

    Sun Facts

    The Sun is almost entirely composed of hydrogen and helium. It burns 4 million tons of hydrogen every second, expelling vast amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.

    Benefits of Solar Energy

    The Sun's heat energy reaches Earth at just the right temperature to sustain life. It is constant and will continue to burn for another four billion years.

    Solar Energy and Plants

    The Sun's energy is transferred to green plants, where it is changed through photosynthesis into stored energy in the form of simple sugars.

    Solar Energy and Animals

    Energy stored by plants is transferred to animals when the plants are eaten by herbivores. Herbivores in turn transfer their energy to the carnivores and scavengers that eat them. And all animals transfer their energy into the Earth in the form of heat when they die.

    Solar Energy and Weather

    The Sun's energy warms the atmosphere, powering its wind and weather systems. Wind and weather control temperature, regional climates, water cycles, and plant growth. These factors directly affect habitats and food sources for living organisms.


    Random History: Interesting Facts about the Sun

    Newton Falls: Ecology

    Universuty Corporation for Atmospheric Research: Sun's Effect on Wind (Weather)

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