• The health benefits of taking fish oil are endless. The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil not only assist in your brain's functioning and body's growth but may also help to reduce your cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease, but with the positive side effects also come the negative.


    Positive side effects may include an increase in alertness, a lowered risk of depression and gallstones and a decrease of PMS symptoms in women.


    Because you can take fish oil by swallowing a capsule or drinking liquid fish oil, users might opt for supplements over liquid to avoid an unpleasant, fishy taste.


    Some people have reported fish-tasting burping or belching shortly after taking fish oil supplements.

    Expert Insight

    Avoid taking cod liver oil as a fish oil supplement. Cod liver oil is more likely to contain harmful chemicals (like mercury) than is regular fish oil. Cod liver oil may also contain toxic levels of Vitamin A.


    It is up to the individual to decide whether or not the benefits of taking fish oil outweigh negative side effects. If taken correctly, fish oil can be a beneficial addition to any health care regime.

    Source: Dr. Weil Answers Your Questions

    "Prevention's New Foods For Healing: Capture the Powerful Cures of More than 100 Foods;" Selene Yeager; 1998

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