• Keppra and Effexor XR are commonly prescribed medications used to treat very different conditions. Each has potential interaction effects with several hundred other medications. These interactions may be life-threatening, and should be reevaluated with any change in medication prescriptions, as well as evaluating food, lifestyle and disease interactions.

    Keppra Usage

    Keppra is used in conjunction with related epilepsy medications to reduce the frequency of partial epileptic seizures. It needs to be taken exactly as directed by your physician to ensure correct dosage and should be taken with food.

    Effexor XR Usage

    Effexor XR is an extended release Selective Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SSNRI) that is used to treat clinical depression, panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder. It works by restoring the balance of the norephinephrine and serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain to improve mood, decrease nervousness, and increase energy and general feelings of well-being.


    According to, taking simultaneous usage of Effexor XR and Keppra may cause depressed function of both the central nervous system and respiratory function. Should breathing become too shallow, there is a danger that carbon dioxide will build up within the blood stream. Monitoring is required, particularly with elderly patients.

    Keppra Side Effects

    Keppra can cause extreme drowsiness, weakness, and difficulties in coordination at the start of treatment. More serious side effects are rare, but do include a variety of psychological problems, including psychosis, aggression, depression and hallucinations. It reacts negatively with over 100 other medications. Keep your doctor advised concerning current medications, in addition to any side effects or change in behavior, as its use may need to be discontinued.

    Effexor XR Side Effects

    Taken alone, Effexor XR may increase blood pressure. It should be prescribed carefully to patients with a history of high blood pressure, seizures, or heart, liver or kidney disease. Side effects may include dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, insomnia, constipation and weight loss. Major reactions may occur when using Effexor XR in combination with MAO inhibitors. Be sure to notify your physician of any other medications or herbal supplements as Effexor XR is known to cause serious side effects with over 400 other medications or herbal supplements.

    Source: - Keppra - Effexor XR

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