• You may have noticed an increase in how often you have to urinate and are wondering if this frequency should be of concern. If you are troubled, become informed regarding the signs of excessive urination and, if necessary, what steps you can take to address this issue.


    Excessive urination, or an overactive bladder, can affect anyone--no matter the person's age or gender. According to, someone who goes to the bathroom more than eight times a day may be affected by a medical condition known as incontinence or overactive bladder.


    Excessive urination can be caused by a host of medical problems, including diabetes, an enlarged prostate, interstitial cystitis or pregnancy. If you are waking up frequently during the night or having to go more than eight times during the day, seek out the opinion of a medical professional.


    A doctor will ask several questions to determine the cause of the excessive urination, and tests may be performed. These tests may include a urinalysis, cystometry or cystoscopy.


    Once a doctor has determined what is causing the frequent urination, he will attempt to treat the issue. Treatments for excessive urination include monitoring fluid intake, bladder retraining, kegel exercises and potentially a modification of diet.


    Medications that a doctor may prescribe to reduce excessive urination include tolterodine, trospium, oxybutynin or darifenacin. These medications work to reduce the symptoms related to an overactive bladder and the urge to go.


    WebMD: Frequent Urination: Causes and Treatments

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