• You do not have to spend four years in college and earn a bachelor's degree in order to make a good living. As a matter of fact, several career choices out there require only an associate's degree in order to get started. Many individual's can get started in a high-paying career in as little as two years if they choose to look into a few specific career choices.

    Medical Careers

    Becoming a dental hygienist requires a two-year post high school degree in order to get started. Dental hygienists work alongside dentists, performing dental cleanings, taking Xrays and providing patient education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this profession could net you an average of $64,000 a year as of 2010. Nursing also provides a well-paying, high-demand career choice that you can start with a two-year degree. While you can enter this field with a diploma, an associate's degree will allow you to start as a registered nurse and earn an average of $62,000 per year as of 2010.

    Technical Careers

    An associate's degree can also earn you a position as an electrical engineering technician. Electrical engineering technicians, who, among other important tasks, ensure an adequate electricity supply for all sorts of industries, have the potential of earning $52,000 per year as of 2010. Individuals who understand how computers work are always in high demand. computer support or help-desk technicians can earn their credentials in as little as two years and go to work for anyone who depends on a computer in order to perform day-to-day operations. The average median salary for computer support technicians hovers around $45,000 as of 2010.

    Other Careers

    Fashion designers rarely allow formal education to cramp their individual style and creative flair and can thus begin work with only an associate's degree in their educational arsenals. The Board of Labor Statistics indicates that a successful designer can expect to make $71,000 per year as of 2010. Paralegals act as lawyers' right hands when it comes to preparing for cases. Paralegals perform research, schedule appointments, complete documentation and complete other legal-related tasks. Paralegals can begin work in a law office after completing a two-year degree in criminal justice and begin a career estimated to net $47,000 per year as of 2010.

    Source: 6 Associate Degree Jobs That Earn Over $50k

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