• A shortened hamstring muscle can cause extremely pain and may prevent a normal gait while walking. Hamstring lengthening is a surgery through which an orthopaedic surgeon extends the muscle to correct the problem.


    Children with cerebral palsy often suffer from shortened hamstrings. As a result, the condition has earned the name CP knee. To correct the problem, a patient may need several surgeries to get multiple muscles to work properly.


    Before recommending surgery, a doctor may utilize several forms of diagnostic testing, including gait analysis. The doctor also tests the hamstring contracture to determine how tight the muscle has become.


    After the patient receives an anesthetic, a surgeon makes incisions behind the knee or just below the gluteus maximus to access two to four of the six muscles that make up the hamstring. To lengthen the muscle, the doctor can cut into the tendons, allowing them to stretch, or create a Z-shaped cut at the ends of the muscles and move them to a lengthened position before suturing the ends back into place.

    Post-Op Time Frame

    The six-week post-operation period is broken into three recovery phases designed to stretch the muscle, raise the leg's weight capacity and increase the knee's range of motion.

    Children's Recovery

    According to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, children who have had hamstring lengthening surgery often get to go home the day of the surgery if the surgeon works only on that muscle during the procedure. The child must wear a cast following the surgery, and a doctor may recommend braces after the cast is removed.


    If you're recovering from hamstring surgery, you shouldn't put the full weight of your body on the leg until the doctor recommends weight-bearing activity. Avoid high-impact activities until you complete your recovery.


    Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center: Hamstring Lengthening Care

    The Children's Hospital: Percutaneous hamstring lengthening

    Pediatric-Orthopedics: CP Knee

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