• The hamstrings are a group of muscles in the leg that serve two main functions in the movement of the body. Because of the basic functions that they serve they are often a source of injury.


    The hamstrings are not actually a single muscle, but rather a muscle group consisting of three separate muscles: the biceps femoris, the semiteninosus, and the semimembranosus. These are located on the hind portion of both thighs.

    Knee Flexion

    Knee flexion, or bending of the knee, is a primary function of the hamstrings. The muscles help bring the heel back towards the buttocks, and regulate the lower leg's movement speed and position in walking, sitting and standing.

    Hip Extension

    The other function of the hamstrings is hip extension, or kicking the leg back, such as when one sprints. The muscles help pull the leg backwards, which is key to forward movement in walking and running.

    Hamstring Injuries

    Hamstrings are common on the list of muscles injured during physical activity, including sports. Strains and tears are common injuries, caused by sudden explosive force such as dramatic acceleration. This is common for sprinters, basketball players and football players.

    Hamstring Exercises

    A reasonable exercise regimen allows for greater flexibility and strength in the hamstrings and a reduced risk of injury during strenuous activity. Some good exercises for the hamstrings are leg curls, lunges, squats and stiff-legged dead-lifts.


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