• Dark circles under the eyes sometimes indicate a long, hard night with little sleep. If you tend to have under-eye circles but are not burning the midnight oil, you may have inherited them. Allergies sometimes cause discoloration as well.

    Cold Compress

    Many times the circles are shadows created by puffiness and swelling. One home remedy recommended by Mayo Clinic is an ice pack, or a pack of frozen peas, placed on your eyes for a few minutes. Be sure to wrap in a cloth.

    Allergy Control

    The swelling from clogged sinuses may darken the area under your eyes. Use an over-the-counter histamine blocker and rinse your sinuses with warm salt water to relieve the pressure, states


    Sleep with your head on an extra pillow so fluids don't accumulate in your face.


    According to, make a tea of marigold. Dip cotton balls in the tea and place on the dark area for 10 minutes. Cucumber slices are a tried and true method as well.

    See Your Doctor

    The Mayo Clinic recommends seeing your doctor if self-treatment does not work, or if you notice the symptoms worsening. Laser surgery or chemical peels may be indicated.

    Source: Dark Circles Under Eyes, When to See a Doctor Dark Circles Under Eyes

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