• Noticing hair loss in your dog is usually not cause for alarm. Several factors, however, should be carefully considered in order to determine whether medical attention is warranted.


    Hair loss is actually typical in all dogs. It is the natural way for dogs to get rid of the old coat and make way for a new, healthy one.


    If you determine your dog's hair loss is more than the natural shedding process, try to identify any discernible factors. Food allergies, moving, extensive traveling or introducing another pet into the household can trigger hair loss.


    Patches of total hair loss likely has an underlying cause. Likewise, hair loss that is caused by your pet repeatedly biting or licking at a specific area can indicate injury, allergies or stress.


    Feeding your dog a healthy diet that is corn, soy and wheat-free could prevent allergies that lead to hair loss and skin issues. In addition, diligently groom your dog and use a professional-quality flea and tick remedy to ensure healthy skin and coat.


    Do not hesitate to seek medical attention if your dog's hair loss starts very suddenly or includes other physical symptoms. More serious conditions benefit from early treatment.


    Dog Breed Info Central: Shedding

    More Information:

    The Pet Center

    Pet Tails

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