• Bipolar II is one of the three major bipolar disorders (the others being bipolar I and cyclothymia, according to the Mayo Clinic). The National Institute of Mental Health defines bipolar II as having depressive and hypomanic (low manic) episodes.


    Although people with bipolar II experience full depressive episodes, the NIMH and Medline Plus report that they do not have any truly manic or mixed (both depressive and manic) episodes.

    Depression Symptoms

    The symptoms of depression are the same in bipolar I and II and include, according to Medline Plus, trouble with thinking and decision-making; sleeping and eating too much or not enough; fatigue; not knowing what to do; feeling worthless, hopeless or guilty; lowered self-esteem; sadness and thoughts about death (including suicide) that won't go away; and withdrawing from people and activities.


    The symptoms of hypomania (the type of mania found in bipolar II) include, according to the NIMH, high energy and productivity that lasts for less than a week. The NIMH reports that people in hypomania may not think anything is wrong, but other people might.


    Hypomania may sometimes develop into either full mania (or depression) if not treated, according to the NIMH.


    Because people with bipolar disorder tend to seek treatment when they are depressed rather than when they are hypomanic (or manic, in bipolar I), the NIMH notes that a careful medical history and the input of other people is necessary to diagnose bipolar disorder.


    Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

    National Institute of Mental Health: Bipolar Disorder

    Medline Plus: Bipolar Disorder

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