• Bipolar disorder II is one of the three main bipolar disorders; the others are bipolar I and cyclothymia, according to the Mayo Clinic. Bipolar II is characterized by episodes of both depression and hypomania according to the National Institute of Mental Health.


    People who have bipolar disorder II have full episodes of depression, but do not have full manic or mixed episodes, which involve features of both depression and mania, according to the NIMH and Medline Plus.


    Hypomania is a less severe form of mania, which is one of the poles of bipolar disorder. Hypomanic episodes involve increased energy and productivity to a level that may concern others, but generally not the affected person, according to the NIMH.

    Time Frame

    Hypomanic episodes generally last a week or less, shorter than true manic episodes, according to the NIMH.


    Symptoms of depression are common across bipolar I and II and include, according to Medline Plus: problems with concentration, memory and decision-making; eating and sleeping too often or too little; being worn out and listless; feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless and having low-self-esteem; feeling sad and thinking about death throughout the episode; thinking about suicide; and avoiding people and activities.


    Treatment for bipolar disorder varies based on the needs of individuals and may include medications, psychotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy, according to Medline Plus. People with bipolar II may not need antipsychotic medications, as they do not suffer from true mania.


    Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Disorder Causes

    National Insitute of Mental Health: Bipolar Disorder

    Medline Plus: Bipolar Disorder

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