• The term gastroschisis means a split abdomen. A more familiar term is hernia, which occurs when an internal organ, like the intestine, protrudes past a weakened muscle. Gastroschisis is a form of hernia.


    With this condition, an infant has a hole in her abdominal wall. Typically, this hole is located on the right side of the infant's umbilical cord.


    The infant's intestines protrude through the hole, or you may notice a lump in his abdomen.


    Gastroschisis is caused by a birth defect.

    Normal Fetal Development

    According to Healthline, approximately six weeks into fetal development the abdominal cavity goes through a physiological umbilical herniation. During this time the intestine circles out of the abdominal wall to make room for other organs to develop.

    Continued Development

    Normally, by the 10th week of gestation, the kidneys and liver have developed and decreased in size while the baby's abdominal cavity has become bigger. In addition, the intestine no longer loops out of the abdominal wall.

    Development with Gastroschisis

    However, in an infant with gastroschisis, the intestine remains outside of the abdominal wall. The reason why this occurs is unknown, according to Healthline.


    Healthline: Gastroschsis Information

    Medline Plus: Gastroschisis

    Medline Plus: Hernia

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