• Unipolar and bipolar are psychological terms used to characterize certain mood disorders. Unipolar depression is also known as clinical depression. Bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic depression.


    Unipolar depression is known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression. It is a psychological mood disorder identified by irregular bouts of sadness. Symptoms include irritability, decrease in socialization and interest in activities, helplessness, worthlessness, nervousness and suicidal thoughts.


    Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. It is a psychological mood disorder identified by bouts of sadness followed by bouts of mania or hypomania. In other words it is a mixture of mania and depression. Manic symptoms include unpredictable mood swings, excessive happiness, restlessness, increased energy, high sex drive and delusions of grandeur. Depression symptoms include uncontrollable crying, increased need for sleep, loss of energy, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

    Unipolar Versus Biploar

    Even though both disorders have depression in common one clear difference can be seen by a person's mood swings. While unipolar depression is characterized only by depressed mood, bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating moods of depression and mania.


    Since depression affects 20 million Americans each year it is very important to understand the differences between the two types of depression. Misdiagnosis is often a problem, particularly with bipolar disorder..


    Treatment for both disorders can found in psychiatric medication and psychotherapy.


    ABC Health: What Is The Difference Between Bipolar Disorder And Major Depression or Anxiety Disorders?

    More Information:

    Diagnostic And Treatment Challenges In Bipolar Disorder Remain

    Antidepressants Less Effective When Depression Is Mild

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