• Peas come in different varieties, such as sugar peas, snap peas, garden peas and green peas. They're hardy plants that do well in conditions in which many vegetables wouldn't grow.


    Peas grow in cooler weather, making them a good crop to plant early in the spring or even toward the end of winter, depending on where you live. The soil temperature should be at least 45 degrees F, says the University of Illinois Extension.


    Peas do well in moist climates, says the University of Illinois Extension. If the climate is drier, they'll need to be given plenty of water.


    Like all plants, peas need sun to grow, although they don't do well in extreme heat. They'll do well in a sunny patch of garden in the spring.


    Peas should be planted 1 to 2 inches apart in wide single rows, or in double rows with a support in the middle, says Capital District Community Gardens. The plants will grasp onto this support--or to each other, in sturdier varieties--as they grow.

    Careful Tending

    Pea plants should be tended carefully, because they're prone to damage and bacterial disease, as Capital District Community Gardens says. Weed carefully around the plants, and avoid gardening under damp conditions so you don't spread bacteria.


    University of Illinois Extension

    Capital District Community Gardens

    More Information:

    National Gardening Bureau

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