• As you watch your child climb on the playground equipment, hang from the monkey bars or share a swing, you are probably thinking that you are providing an opportunity for fun, energy burn off and some muscle building. Few people realize the importance of motor activity in every area of a children's optimum overall development.

    Gross Motor Development

    Large play equipment facilitates physical activity and large muscle development. Climbing, running and riding bicycles build strong muscles, agility and strength, with an increased heart rate bringing more oxygen to organs and muscles.

    Social Skill Development

    Playgrounds provide opportunities for social interaction and developing social competence which can foster self-confidence, assertiveness, cooperation, and conflict resolution and basic interaction skills (sharing space, the ability to approach another or join a group, and mutual decision making).

    Cognitive Development

    Playing enhances cognitive development (perception, thinking, decision making, problem solving, memory). The ability to think through necessary steps to achieve a goal is fostered. Repetitive actions and successes and failures at tasks advance a child's critical thinking and problem solving skills.

    Emotional Development

    When hurt or frustrated, children typically sulk, cry, pound their feet, yell or throw things. Through social interaction and physical activity they learn boundaries and acceptable behaviors. They learn to empathize and understand feelings of others, and as they conquer equipment challenges they develop self-confidence.

    Overall Brain Development

    Research points to the undeniable benefit that large play equipment and physical activity plays in brain neuron building--the wiring path that connects all areas of development with another. The mature brain has more than 62,000 miles of wiring. Physical activity strengthens these connections; conversely, with little physical activity, these weakened neurons whither and die off.


    Skill development requires risk taking. Ensure children are well supervised and equipment is checked for safety and well maintained. The Consumer Products Safety commission reports more than 200,000 emergency room visits each year for play equipment injuries. The commission also advises that the severity of injury from falls can be greatly reduced with the use of thick, resilient ground covering to cushion a fall.


    Early Childhood News: Optimizing Early Brain and Motor Development Through Movement

    Consumer Products Safety Commission: Special Study: Injuries and Deaths Associated with Children's Playground Equipment

    Consumer Products Safety Commission: Safety guidelines

    More Information: Growth and Motor Skill Development

    National Program for Playground Safety: Home Page

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