• High fiber diets have many health benefits and are often recommended by health professionals. According to the Mayo Clinic, men should aim to eat 38 grams of fiber every day and women should aim to eat 25 grams of fiber every day. Ideally fiber should come from whole foods, but supplements are available for those who are unable to get enough fiber through diet alone.

    Digestive Regularity

    High fiber diets help regular digestion and reduce the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea. Increasing dietary fiber may help those individuals who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

    Colon Health

    A diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of developing diverticular disease and hemorrhoids.

    Disease Preventative

    According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming a diet high in dietary fiber reduces the risk of developing serious diseases such as heart disease and diabetes by reducing the amount of cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

    Weight Loss

    A diet high in fiber is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Consuming fiber can help prevent overeating and control hunger.


    Good sources of dietary fiber include whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.


    Mayo Clinic: High Fiber Diet

    Colorado State University: Dietary Fiber

    Harvard: Fiber

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