• Video conferencing assists in connecting remote users with voice and video through a communications technology platform. Users are able to hold meetings and converse in natural conversations through real-time interactions.

    Began in the 1950s

    Video conferencing in one form or another has been around since the 1950s. Many communications companies have experimented and developed this technology over the last 60 years.

    Boom in the 1990s

    Video conferencing experienced a huge boom in the late 1990s. The increase in demand was largely a result of the availability of broadband Internet access along with affordable cost of web cameras.

    Launch of Microsoft Netmeeting

    In 1999, Microsoft Netmeeting 3.0 was launched and caused a huge stir in the business community. As a result, today there are many new software vendors marketing video conferencing software.

    Ideal for Educational Institutions

    Video conferencing has also made a huge impact in the educational industry as well. Many institutions are now able to offer more flexibility and affordability in their course offerings, which in turn allows the student to gain a solid education at home.

    Ideal for Business Organizations

    Companies have especially desired video conferencing technology as a way to connect globally for potential business interest. They can also save money on travel and housing expenses. Video conferencing is also a time saver as companies are able to hold important meetings with long-distance clients in a short period of time.


    Video Conferencing Overview

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