• Dibenzyline is an oral medication used to treat high blood pressure and excessive sweating. It's also used to treat urinary problems in men with prostate problems. Like any other medicine Dibenzyline has side effects that you should be aware if taking this medication.

    Common Side Effects

    Common side effects associated with taking Dibenzyline are dizziness, nasal congestion, upset stomach and drowsiness. These are minor side effects and should go away once your body adjusts to the medication. But they should be reported to a doctor if they persist or become more serious.

    Serious Side Effects

    Some of the more serious side effects that Dibenzyline might cause are: fainting, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and new lumps or growths. If you notice any of these side effects you should seek medical attention immediately.

    Side Effect in Men

    It is rare, but some men have experienced painful and prolonged erections while taking Dibenzyline. If this occurs you should stop taking the medication and see a doctor.

    Allergic Reactions

    Some people have severe allergic reactions to Dibenzyline. Rashes, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, swelling and tightness in the chest are all symptoms of an allergic reaction. Stop taking the medication and seek emergency medical attention if you experience these symptoms.

    Drug Interactions

    Dibenzyline can have negative affective if it is taken with certain drugs. It is important to tell you doctor what over-the-counter or prescription medications you may be taking; especially if you are taking blood pressure, cold, cough or allergy medications.


    You should try to avoid or use caution when engaging in activities that require alertness. Also try to stay away from alcohol and sedatives; they can intensify drowsiness and dizziness experienced with Dibenzyline.


    MedicineNet: Dibenzyline

    Drug Information Online: Dibenzyline Side Effects

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