• A type of inhaler medication, Clenil Modulite contains the medication beclometasone dipropionate and is available with a doctor's prescription in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom and Russia. Despite Clenil's effectiveness in decreasing the frequency of asthma attacks, some people using the medication do experience side effects.

    Less-Dangerous Side Effects

    Common side effects of Clenil include oral yeast infections (thrush), throat irritation, hoarseness, coughing and nausea.

    Serious Side Effects

    Clenil has the potential to cause paradoxical bronchospasms, or sudden narrowing of your airways, that makes it difficult to breathe, reports If this occurs, use your "rescue inhaler" rather than using Clenil again and see your physician.

    Low Blood Potassium

    Clenil poses a risk for hypokalemia---or low blood potassium levels---in some people. This risk increases when the drug is used in combination with pulmonary drugs such as theophylline or aminophylline, oral corticosteroids such as prednisolone, asthma drugs such as albuterol and diuretics such as furosemide, reports

    Other Risks

    Other risks associated with Clenil include glaucoma, cataracts, osteoporosis, adrenal gland dysfunction and stunted growth in children, warns These side effects are rare and are most likely to occur after long-term use.


    Inform your doctor if you have a history of tuberculosis or have ever experienced an allergic reaction to an inhaled corticosteroid; it may not be safe for you to take Clenil.

    Source: Clenil Modulite

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