• Gastroesophageal reflux disease---defined as heartburn symptoms more than twice a week---affects 15 to 20 million Americans, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most patients with GERD fight it with over-the-counter medication and lifestyle changes such as reducing stress levels or avoiding trigger foods.


    Feeling bloated under the diaphragm is one GERD symptom, as gas released by digestion works against the valve separating the stomach from the esophagus, instead of going to the upper intestine.


    While belching is a normal way to remove excess gas consumed with food and drink, with GERD it becomes more common, often followed by a vague burning feeling below the diaphragm.


    With GERD, foods not normally associated with heartburn, such as baked goods or foods high in cellulose, may trigger it.

    Acid Reflux

    GERD can cause acid to work its way up the esophagus when you lie down or lean back, relaxing the valve at the top of your stomach, leaving a sour taste at the back of the throat and a burning sensation in your mouth.

    Chest Pain

    Chest pains---similar to those felt with a minor heart attack---distributed throughout the upper torso, usually just under the armpits, are another GERD symptom, says the Mayo Clinic.


    Mayo Clinic: GERD Symptoms

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