• Mature chickens must receive a balanced diet to stay healthy. A debate among poultry feed specialists revolves around the merits of commercial feed vs. free-range diets, but the basic nutrients must be present in any food that chickens consume.

    Basic Nutrients

    Full-grown chickens need vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are obtained from grains, fish meals, vegetable oils, salts and calcium derivatives.

    Commercial Feeds

    Many commercial brands of chicken feed provide a balanced diet of nutrients that are necessary for the health of full-grown chickens. These brands may differ in their ingredients to an extent, and some may contain more artificial elements than others.

    Free-Range Feeding

    Some people tout the benefits of letting chickens feed on natural food sources rather than commercial feeds. Although this method is more closely associated to creating a realistic feeding environment for a healthier egg and flesh integrity, others argue that commercial feeds are more able to provide all of the necessary nutrients that may not always be available in a pasture environment.

    Feed Integrity

    Chickens tend to eat whatever is made available to them. Many feeds are susceptible to spoiling and mildew. Full-grown chickens must be fed fresh, non-moldy food to maintain the best health.

    Eating Limits

    Chickens will stop eating when they have derived enough energy from their feed, regardless of the type. It is important that full-grown chickens be provided a food source that has as much of the basic nutrients as possible.


    Utah State University: Feeding Chickens

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