• Color blindness can be an inconvenience or even a danger to affected individuals. Many people do not realize they are color-blind. While your eye doctor can do a test, you can also look for certain signs that indicate color blindness.


    Color blindness usually refers to an inability to see the difference between certain colors, caused by missing or incorrect visual pigments. According to the University of Illinois Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, "Color blindness is a misnomer because only a small percentage of people are unable to see any color."

    Color Combinations

    Individuals with color blindness generally have difficulties distinguishing between specific pairs of colors. The most common colors that they might see as indistinguishable are red and black, red and green, and blue and yellow. Trouble reading signs with one of these three combinations is a sign you may be color-blind.

    Color Shades

    Less severe cases of color blindness may involve difficulty differentiating between shades of the same or similar colors, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

    Severe Cases

    In rare cases of color blindness, the affected individual may also experience rapid side-to-side eye movements.

    Expert Insight

    According to Penn State University, nearly 10% of all men experience red/green color blindness, while more have difficulties with blue/yellow. Many types of color blindness (including red/green color blindness, the most common type) are more common in males than in females.


    University of Illinois--Chicago

    Pennsylvania State University

    University of Maryland Medical Center

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