• A person with a nursing degree can qualify for numerous jobs. There are also several different types of nursing degrees, including licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, registered nurse, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner and certified nurse-midwife. The type of job the nurse gets depends in part on her degree.


    Many nurses work in hospitals, caring for patients, assisting with surgeries, helping women during childbirth and assisting physicians with exams and medical procedures. Nurses work in a number of hospital departments, including emergency rooms, intensive care units, labor and delivery floors, newborn nurseries, psychiatric units and medical/surgical units.

    Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities

    Other nurses work in nursing homes and residential care facilities, caring for elderly or disabled patients and patients recovering from injuries or illnesses. They administer medications, monitor patients' conditions, carry out treatment plans, provide direct patient care and supervise nursing assistants.

    Home Health Care

    Some nurses do home health care. They visit patients in their homes to provide skilled nursing services, like changing dressings, administering IV medications and monitoring patients with advanced Alzheimer's disease.

    Doctors' Offices and Clinics

    Nurses also work in doctors' offices and clinics. They monitor patients, assist doctors with exams and treatments, and educate patients.

    Other Jobs

    Nurses can also work schools, childcare centers, adult daycare centers, employee health programs, parish health programs, correctional facilities, birthing centers and health insurance companies. Nurses also teach student nurses and other health care students.


    Nursing Jobs Help

    Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurses

    More Information:

    Discover Nursing

    American Nurses Association

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