• Individuals of private practices provide their own services and products to the customer or client. Private practice owners are responsible for their own success, and are only held accountable for the legitimacy of their licensing.

    Starting Private Practice

    Decide how big of a caseload you would like per day, week or month. Think how you will accomplish this feat through marketing.


    Set aside financial expenses for office rental space, advertisements and taxes. Do not be afraid to think big in terms of financial success. Determine an average fee per client.


    Do some diligent studying on marketing, familiarizing yourself with the principles and theories of the field.

    Marketing Strategy

    Advertisement comes to mind for first time private practice practitioners, but can be costly. Networking with other professionals provides a more beneficial turn out.

    Private Practice Example

    In most states, a practicing psychologist must demonstrate proficiency in work ability under the public eye for two years after they obtain a PH.D., Psy.D. or Ed.D. Then, he must complete a national multiple choice test, and introduce his own case study to a board of professional psychologists to obtain a license. He can concentrate in one of four areas: clinical, industrial, counseling or school.


    graduate School and Careers in Psychology: LICENSING TO PRACTICE PSYCHOLOGY (and having a "private" practice)

    National Association of Social Workers: Build Your Private Practice in 9 Easy Steps

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