• Many people dream of publishing their own book, whether it's a memoir, a work of fiction, or a non-fiction book on a favorite subject. With today's technology anyone can self-publish. Publishing through conventional publishing houses is more difficult because thousands of manuscripts are submitted each year, only a very few are chosen to be published, and those are usually acquired through agents.

    Produce a Professional Manuscript

    Do not contact publishers or agents until you have a complete manuscript ready for them to consider. The standard length of a book manuscript is about 250 to 1000 pages. Manuscripts shorter or longer than this are unlikely to be considered by conventional publishing houses. Prepare your manuscript to look its best. The manuscript should be on clean, white paper, double-spaced, using only one side of the paper, and free of typographical and spelling errors. Pagination should appear in the upper right corner or at the bottom. Your name, the title and page number should appear on every page of the manuscript. You must include a synopsis, a one-page summary of the plotline, and often a longer outline that breaks down the story chapter by chapter. Compose a good query letter to introduce yourself and your work. Always enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply, but it is cheaper for you to ask them to recycle your manuscript rather than enclosing return postage.

    Find an Agent

    You can find a list of reputable agents in Literary Marketplace or at sites like These sources will tell you what category of writing the agent handles and how he wants work submitted. Follow these recommendations carefully. Some agents accept submissions online, while others prefer regular mail. Send them your query with a sample of your work. The agent will ask to see more of your work if he is interested.

    Find a Publisher

    You may wish to submit your book directly to publishing houses for consideration. Most publishers acquire books through agents, but others still find new authors through direct submission. You can find publishers either online or in Writers Digest magazine, available at your local bookstore. Send your proposal package to an editor who handles your category of book. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply.

    Consider Self-Publishing

    You can bypass the repeated rejections from publishing houses by publishing the book yourself. Self-publishing can be an interesting and enjoyable way to have your book in the public sphere. There are many self-publishing companies who can help you get your manuscript into book form. Many of them offer marketing help for an additional cost. Carefully read the contracts and make sure you understand what your money will buy. Expect to spend a considerable amount of money and time finding ways to market your book yourself, including contacting newspapers and writing press releases, booking speaking engagements before clubs and at libraries, and sending out flyers or postcards to interested parties.

    Source: publishing listing of agents self-publishing

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