• The U.S. Energy Information Administration classifies oil, or petroleum, as a fossil fuel, which is a non-renewable energy source.


    A renewable energy source is one that can be used indefinitely, with no limit to its supply, such as wind or solar power.

    Oil Formation

    Oil forms over millions of years from plant and animal remains so it cannot be readily replenished once it runs out.


    The increasing worldwide energy demands, coupled with the decreasing oil reserves have caused an increase in the price of oil.


    According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, oil supplied almost 40 percent of the country's energy in 2008.


    The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects diesel fuel will grow while biomass fuels may start to replace gasoline. In addition, less oil will be used for other purposes such as electricity or building.


    U.S. Energy Information Administration: Use of Oil

    U.S. Energy Information Administration: Sources of Energy

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