• A dead spot is commonly used term within the sports industry, mostly basketball, to signify a spot on a hardwood playing surface that does not spring the ball back appropriately when it is bounced or when it hits the floor.


    The cause of dead spots lies with moisture. Seasonal changes increases and decreases water residue in the air, causing wood to contract and expand. Wood floor is manufactured with an almost perfect straight shape, so any alteration causes dead spots.


    Testing for dead spots on hardwood sports floors consists of ball rebound calculations. Any variation between rebounds constitutes a floor malfunction.


    A floor without dead spots is important for an optimal playing surface. Balls that hit a dead spot will have a shorter bounce height, making it difficult for players to retrieve the ball.


    Although you can't truly prevent all seasonal moisture from reaching the wood planks, you can stop large sources of water from affecting the floor by eliminating open containers of liquid on and near the floor.


    Floors with dead spots as a result of seasonal moisture will often fix themselves as they dry out with time. Adding a steady stream of air over the floor when it is not in use will speed up drying time.


    Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association: Dead Spots

    Wood Floors Online: Problems with Wood Floors

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