• Allergies afflict millions of people around the globe, and dogs are a major contributor to related symptoms. Some common ailments can also affect people plagued by dog allergies, so you should familiarize yourself with clues that you might be allergic to dogs. Many respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, are compounded by allergies, so you should isolate the cause of your symptoms. Incorporate a testing method designed to relieve your symptoms, so you can determine whether your afflictions are a direct result of dog allergies.


    Watch for signs of an allergic reaction. Sneezing, rashes, runny nose and red, swollen eyes are common symptoms of a dog allergy. If you are experiencing these symptoms when you're near a dog, you may well be allergic to the animal. However, another culprit might be responsible for the symptoms. That's why it is a good idea to test your theory.


    If you have a dog in your home, spend a night at the home of a friend or relative who doesn't own pets. Dander, and proteins contained in the saliva are substances that commonly trigger allergic reactions, according to MedHelp. These substances can be found on several surfaces in your home and are difficult to remove, so leaving your house is the ideal way to relieve allergic symptoms. If the symptoms are from the dog, they should subside after a night spent away from the animal. The next day, go home and interact with the dog. If the symptoms reappear, it is highly likely that you are allergic to dogs.

    Seeking a Professional Opinion

    The only sure way to establish a suspected allergy to dogs as fact is to see a medical professional. Certified allergists can perform blood or scratch tests to determine your allergens and advise you how to remedy the symptoms. They may also prescribe medication that can bring relief.


    How to tell if your child is allergic to Fido

    Med Help

    Allergies to pets

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