• Bariatric surgeries aid in weight loss. These procedures typically alter your digestive system in some way---limiting the amount of food you eat. While these surgeries can produce dramatic results for severely overweight people, not everyone is a suitable candidate.

    BMI under 40

    If you have body mass index (BMI) between 35 and 39 and you want weight-loss surgery, you must have other conditions related to your obesity. Common co-factors include high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

    BMI over 40

    If you have a BMI over 40, you can qualify for surgery without having to suffer from other obesity-related problems.

    Surgery as a Last Resort

    Before recommending weight-loss surgery, your doctor will determine if you have exhausted all other options. These surgeries are invasive and can carry serious risks, including death.


    Most insurance companies require proof that you have made valid attempts at weight loss before resorting to bariatric procedures. The extent of the information and what they consider acceptable varies among them.


    If you do not meet the guidelines for weight loss surgery set forth by the National Institutes of Health, you might still be able to get the procedure, provided you can pay for it on your own.


    The Mayo Clinic

    Bariatric Surgery Guide

    National Institutes of Health

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