• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Electric Grills Are Convenient

    Electric grills eliminate the need to deal with charcoal or propane, so you'll be able to grill without worrying about fuel. With an electric grill, you don't have to worry about having to clean up charcoal ash. Some apartment and condo complexes don't allow charcoal or gas grills. You can use an electric grill inside.

    On the Other: You Don't Get the Flavor of Grilling Over Flame

    Gas and charcoal grills add an extra layer of flavor to what you are cooking. To many people, the flavors imparted by the charcoal are an important part of the flavor of grilled food. Hardwood or fruitwood charcoal or flavor chips can add extra layers of flavor that you can't get from a sealed electric grill.

    Bottom Line

    Grilling purists will insist that charcoal or gas is the only way to cook. If you don't have the space for a charcoal or gas grill or they aren't allowed where you live, then an electric grill is a great way to go.

    Source: Grill Types All About Outdoor Grills

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