• In 1790, renovation workers discovered a massive stone disc composed on the central square of Mexico City. The artifact, which stood 12 feet in diameter, was filled with intricate hieroglyphs that continue to arouse scientific speculation.


    Since the first interpretations of the disc's hieroglyphs, scholars have debated the relic's meaning and purpose. Today, they generally agree that the Aztec Calendar is representative of that civilization's view of the cosmos.


    According to Charles William Johnson, an expert on Mesoamerican artifacts, Aztec legend speaks about four worlds or eras, which rose up and were each destroyed. Johnson suggests that a fifth world may be an expression of a cosmic age.


    On the calendar, a representation of each of the four worlds and their modes of destruction revolves around a central figure believed to be Tonatiuh, the sun and lord of the heavens.


    As indicated on the stone, the Aztec people incorporated the use of an 18-month calendar, which consisted of 20 days each, and an additional sacred calendar that was comprised of 260 days.


    In his article, Johnson advances his theory that the Aztec calendar is actually a monument to the supposed fifth world, which he considers to be a time of hope.


    Mexconnect: Mysteries of the Fifth Sun: the Aztec Calendar The Fifth Sun of the Aztec Calendar The Meaning of the Aztec Calendar

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    Earth Matrix: Science in Ancient Artwork & Science Today

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