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  • Some men opt to get testosterone therapy to increase their testosterone level when they get older. Doctors administer testosterone therapy by injecting a synthetic version of the testosterone hormone. Patch and gel forms also are available.


    Testosterone therapy can cause an increase in red blood cells, according to Negative Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. An increase in red blood cells can lead to strokes, heart attacks and blood clots.


    Testosterone therapy can affect a man's fertility as the medicine temporarily shuts down his natural production of testosterone. The testicles might also shrink.


    Men who undergo testosterone therapy risk baldness, fluid retention, enlarged breasts and acne.

    Other Effects

    Testosterone therapy can cause sleep apnea, which can lead to serious breathing problems.


    Men who undergo testosterone therapy can increase their chances of getting prostate cancer. The treatment also can increase the size of the prostate, which can cause frequent urination.


    The Mayo Clinic: Testosterone Therapy

    Medicinenet: Testosterone Gel

    Negative Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    More Information:

    MSNBC: Testosterone therapy may be risky

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