• Human Growth Hormone (HGH) supplementation has been shown to produce health benefits such as increased muscle mass, increased bone density and fat loss. However, HGH carries with it a number of health risks.

    Side effects

    The Mayo Clinic reports that HGH supplementation can result in undesirable side effects, including limb swelling, joint pain, muscle pain, and enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia) in males.


    The website calls into question the ability of HGH supplementation to control diabetes. Due to the recent introduction of growth hormone supplementation, it is scientifically unclear if the process is beneficial or even safe. The website recommends that people with diabetes avoid HGH supplementation until more about it is known.

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    The development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has been reported as a side effect suffered by users of HGH supplementation.

    High Blood Pressure

    The website reports high blood pressure and increased stress on the circulatory system by those who use HGH supplementation.


    The risk of all negative side effects of HGH supplementation are magnified by over dosage of HGH supplementation. Much scientific research exists supporting controlled and supervised dosage.


    The Mayo Clinic: HGH use

    Health Guidance: HGH and Diabetes

    Stanford University: HGH effects

    More Information:

    Anti Aging Info: HGH side effects

    Articles Base: HGH side effects

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