• Humans developed hair through the evolutionary process to serve as an aid for survival. Today, hair not only performs these functions but has become a significant part of most cultures.


    Hair helps us to stay warm by providing insulation to trap heat in cold climates. Hair on the head works particularly for this purpose, though body hair my also trap heat.


    Hair hair can also protect our sensitive areas from debris, dust and damage. The eyebrows are a great example of this, as are the pubic hairs.

    Sweat Evaporation

    Hair increases the body's surface amount to facilitate more efficient evaporation of sweat to help keep us cool.

    Reduce Friction

    Hair provides the necessary lubrication in certain areas of the body to help us move, such as under the armpits. By preventing the skin from being rubbed against, it reduces friction and forms a protective barrier.

    Identification and Beauty

    Hair color and styles help us distinguish each other. It beautifies the body and allows us to express a more unique personality.


    SikhPoint: Human Hair - A Biological Necessity

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