• When you arrange for a bread supplier to deliver product to your store, they will typically arrive at the store on a specific day or days each week to add, remove and rotate the bread inventory. Depending on your arrangement with the bread supplier, you may only be charged for the bread sold. Yet, if you place a specific order amount, you may be required to pay for all the bread you order.

    Types of Suppliers

    Bread deliveries can come directly from a local bakery. Another source is a general food supplier that supplies food for markets and restaurants. These suppliers will carry more than just bread, including meat, produce and dairy products. If you just want bread, a general food supplier may not be the best choice. The third and most common source is through a local bread distributor. This is typically a driver who might own his own bread route, and distributes bread products from one or more bread manufacturers.

    Locating a Supplier

    Begin by finding who supplies bread in your area. One way to do this is to look around at local markets and restaurants and either talk to their managers or see what products they stock. Major chains may have bread delivered through their company or use a local service. Look in the local phone book under food suppliers or search online. If you need different types of bread, you may need to work with more than one bread delivery service. For example, one supplier might have a line of sourdough bread, and another may not.

    Arrange a Meeting

    Arrange a meeting with the bread delivery representative and come to an understanding on how the bread will be ordered, what you will pay for and when the order will be delivered. Determine upfront if they will be managing the inventory or if that will be your responsibility. In some instances the driver of the truck is also the representative, and in other instances the driver may be responsible for delivering the bread, but may not be your main contact. Depending on your credit, you may be required to pay on delivery or when billed.

    Other Options

    If you have a market for day old bread, or bread that is no longer considered fresh, discuss this with your bread delivery representative. You may be able to get this type of bread at a discount and in some instances for free. While the bread distributor may not give you free day old bread if you intend to resale the product, they may be willing to give you the outdated bread if you have another use for it, such as providing a source of duck food, if your market is located near a lake.


    Oliver's Artisan Breads

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