• The human digestive system is a collection of organs that work together to break down food for the body to use as energy. Each organ, from the mouth to the anus, has a specific task to contribute to the process.

    Oral Cavity

    The oral cavity, or mouth, is responsible for breaking down large pieces of food into a manageable size by use of teeth to tear and crush food. The salivary glands secrete saliva, containing the enzyme amylase, which breaks down starch.


    Once chewed, the food is forced through the pharynx into the esophagus, which transports food to the stomach.


    The stomach's muscles churn the food, combining it with gastric juices to kill bacteria. The resulting liquid is then sent to the small intestine.

    Small Intestine

    Once in the small intestine, breaking down of the food continues as the gallbladder, liver and pancreas contribute enzymes to collect any useful nutrients from the food.

    Large Intestine

    The remaining material makes its way to the large intestine, where the colon collects any remaining nutrients. The large intestine continues to push the remaining matter, called feces, to the rectum for storage until the body excretes it through the anus.


    Your Digestive System

    Biology: Human Digestive System

    Human Digestive System

    More Information:

    Human Anatomy Model

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