• Treatment for a dog's ear infection will depend on what caused the infection in the first place, as well as the problems that may have occurred after the ear infection. Treatments range from antibiotics to therapy. Keep in mind that any treatment should be utilized only after consulting a veterinarian.


    If a dog's ear infection is bacterial, antibiotics will be needed. Along with the antibiotics, clean your dog's ears twice per day, using a solution meant for canines. Use cotton balls.


    If your dog's ear infection is caused by a yeast infection, an antifungal medication may be used. Using vinegar to clean your dog's ears may also help treat yeast infections.


    Integrated into antibiotics and antifungals are glucocorticoids, which help ease swelling of the ear. Vitamin C can also help reduce swelling.


    If your dog's ear problem is caused by a hormone irregularity or allergies, he may be treated with a form of therapy. Common therapies used to treat infections are hormone replacement, allergy testing and immunotherapy.


    Corticosteroids can be either taken orally, injected or rubbed on topically. Corticosteroids are very much like cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in the human body. Corticosteroids are man-made and are called "steroids," although they are not the same as the type of steroids used by athletes. Corticosteroids can help with inflammation and reduce itching and allergies.

    Home Remedies

    Allergies can often be treated with habitual ear cleanings. You can use an ear-cleaning liquid, antihistamines or fatty acid supplements to clean your dog's ears. Either almond or olive oil can help kill ear mites.


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