• The symptoms and severity of symptoms associated with dementia can vary a great deal from person to person and usually depend on the extent of the underlying disease causing the condition.

    Short-Term Memory

    The first sign of dementia that a person usually exhibits is short-term memory loss. A person may repeat something that they had just said a few moments before.

    Word Search

    People displaying early signs of dementia may have trouble recalling common words and may offer synonyms or try to define the word to compensate.

    Disposition Change

    Dementia may cause a person to change their normal disposition. For example an extrovert may suddenly become very introverted or vice-versa.

    Familiar Tasks

    A person with dementia may suddenly begin to forget how to perform certain tasks they have done countless times before, such as driving or cooking.


    Dementia often shows increased effects in new surroundings. A person with dementia in an unfamiliar setting can easily become confused and scared.


    Alzheimer's: Symptoms

    Mayo Dementia Symptoms

    More Information:

    Emedicine Health: Dementia Overview

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