• Characterized by a red, itchy, ring-shaped rash, ringworm is a fungal infection caused by dermatophytes, micro-organisms that feed on the top layers of skin. Children are particularly susceptible to contagious ringworm, which can be contracted in several ways.

    Other People

    Ringworm can be spread by making direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.


    Petting or grooming animals such as cats or dogs with ringworm can spread the infection.


    Using personal items handled by people or animals with ringworm such as clothing, towels or combs can transfer infection.


    In rare cases, soil can become infected if an animal or human with ringworm makes extended contact. Children can contract ringworm by handling this contaminated soil.


    Children can prevent contracting ringworm by avoiding direct skin contact and not sharing personal items with infected people or animals. Regular, thorough hand-washing can also help prevent the spread of infection.


    Mayo Clinic: Ringworm

    WebMD: Understanding Ringworm Basics

    WebMD: Ringworm Picture Slideshow

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