• nFusion techonology offers the latest perks to the hearing-impaired. Hearing aids with nFusion technology are the first of their kind made using nanoscience and thus offer advanced features not found in other hearing aids.


    nFusion hearing aids use nanoscience, which is the study of minuscule structures and the act of manipulating objects on a tiny, sometimes molecular scale.

    Active Feedback Intercept

    One of the features of nFusion hearing aids is their active feedback intercept (AFI). AFI removes feedback signals before they are received, so there are no annoying feedback sounds in the hearing aid.

    Acoustic Signature

    Another feature of these hearing aids is acoustic signature. This is a technologically complex feature that allows sounds from different environments to blend and switch naturally. Essentially, your hearing aid gives you more realistic hearing.

    Directional Speech Detector

    Directional speech detector (DSD) is yet another feature that hearing aids made with nanoscience offer. DSD adjusts the hearing aid's reception in noisy areas so you don't pick up too much noise to understand what is being said.

    Automatic Telephone Response

    This feature is the first of its kind in nano-technology. This switch senses a telephone signal as the phone is lifted to the ear and adjusts your hearing accordingly.


    Alan Weiss Hearing Center

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