• The Lap-Band is an adjustable gastric banding system that is used as a weight-loss tool. The system uses an invasive surgical technique that places a silicone gastric band around the upper part of the stomach. This band limits the amount of food that the stomach can hold.


    According to Lap-Band, there are some advantages to the procedure. The obvious advantage is that it allows a person to lose a significant amount of weight quickly. The system also helps a person control the amount of food that he eats, which promotes sustainable, long-term weight loss.

    Band Slippage

    The most common danger of receiving a Lap-Band is band slippage. If slippage occurs, the individual could suffer from severe vomiting and heartburn. According to, Lap-Band patients will have to give up foods that have stringy fibers such as celery and may also need to eliminate some meats. A nutrient deficiency could occur as a result.


    The University of California, San Diego, Medical Center states that there is also the danger of infection. The Lap-Band is a foreign object, which means that it can cause a potential infection or erosion. The infection could cause serious discomfort to the patient and result in corrective surgery.

    Time Frame

    The Lap-Band surgery usually is performed on an out-patient basis. Recovery time for the surgery is short, and most patients should be able to return to work and other normal activities within a week.


    According to the University of California, San Diego, Medical Center, the risk and dangers from the Lap-Band are fewer than other forms of bariatric surgery. The fewer risks and side effects still make the Lap-Band a more attractive alternative than surgeries such as gastric bypass.


    Lap-BandAP: About the Lap-Band System

    247Surgery: Lap-Band Complications

    University of California, San Diego, Medical Center: Center for the Treatment of Obesity

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