• Retrograde amnesia means that a person's ability to remember past events is impaired. Also, information that was familiar at one time may not be anymore. Techniques to help people enhance their memory are available. However, in many cases the condition is permanent.


    Causes for retrograde amnesia include stroke, long-term alcohol abuse, dementia, brain inflammation and a lack of oxygen to the brain.


    Symptoms of amnesia may include neurological problems, confusion and false recollection of memories. They may be completely made up or share details of genuine memories.


    Memory loss does not affect the person's awareness, judgment, attention or general intelligence and knowledge. Identity and personality are also not affected.


    People with amnesia may have problems doing daily activities since it can hinder their functioning at work, school or home. Sometimes it's not possible for memories to be recovered.


    A person with amnesia may benefit from working with an occupational therapist. The goal is to learn new information to replace the lost and learn strategies to more easily remember information.


    Mayo Clinic: Amnesia

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