• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Castor Oil May Induce Labor

    Pregnant women have used using castor oil to attempt to induce labor for years. Castor oil is thought to work in several possible ways, including causing spasms of the uterus and dehydrating the mother through diarrhea. It is best to use castor oil with the approval of a doctor or midwife.

    On the Other: The Baby is Not Ready

    An unborn baby reaches full term at 37 weeks gestation. If a child is born at 35 weeks, they are at risk for health complications, such as underdeveloped lungs and bleeding in the brain. It is best for the premature baby to remain in the womb until they reach full term.

    Bottom Line

    While it may be possible to induce labor with castor oil at 35 weeks, it is unsafe for the baby. The child needs more time inside the womb to grow and develop. The doctor will advise if an early medical induction is necessary for the health of the mother or baby.


    Family Resource: Full Term Pregnancy

    Dr Spock: Natural Ways to Induce Labor

    Stork Net: Castor Oil to Induce Pregnancy

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Healthy Pregnancy

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