• Speaker watts refers to the electrical wattage that a loudspeaker processes and turns into audible sound. The amount of watts that a loudspeaker can reproduce varies and is determined by the size and materials used in the construction of the speaker.


    Watts are units of power produced by mechanical energy. The wattage of a device (in this case, a loudspeaker) refers to how many watts a device is capable of reproducing. One watt is equal to one joule of energy produced per second.


    A loudspeaker is an electric transducer that converts electrical energy into sound. The pulsation of a loudspeaker is determined by the variation in electrical signals sent to it.

    Audio Signal Source

    The audio signal sent to a speaker can come from a variety of sources. Common sources include audio receivers, compact disc players, cassette tape decks, radios and televisions.

    Maximum Sound Pressure Level

    Maximum sound pressure level refers to the maximum amount of watts that a speaker can process without being damaged. If the maximum sound pressure level is exceeded, the speaker may produce distortion not present in the original audio signal.


    Speaker watts refer only to the amount of watts being produced by the loudspeaker, not the quality of the audio signal. The quality of the audio signal is determined by the quality of parts used in construction of the loudspeaker and quality of the devices attached to the loudspeaker.


    Definition of Watts

    JBL Audio: Enclosures and System FAQ

    About Amplifiers and More Speakers

    More Information:

    How Many Watts: Amps vs. Loudspeakers

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