• During the Han Dynasty, Chinese alchemists created gunpowder by accident. Looking for an elixir that would lead to immortality, they mixed sulphur and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). This invention would later be used in bombs during their military actions.


    The Chinese are credited with developing the bomb. They used about 75 percent saltpeter in their devices to create really large explosions. According to the "Genius of China, 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery and Invention," "The Chinese slowly edged their way upward toward this daring proportion."


    The earliest bomb was the incendiary bomb, followed by the thunder-clap bomb, and the thunder-crash bomb.


    The incendiary bomb was an arrow dipped in gunpowder bundles wrapped in paper and sealed in wax. The thunder-clap bomb had a large percentage of saltpeter enclosed in bamboo casing or paper, with a fuse or a red-hot poker. The thunder-crash bomb had a large concentration of saltpeter in a metal casing contained with shrapnel.


    Thunder-clap bombs were effective at starting fires and terrifying the enemy's horses with explosive sounds. A thunder-crash bomb made noises like thunder and shook the walls of houses.


    Thunder-clap and thunder-crash bombs gave the Chinese a military advantage over their enemies. These bombs would kill, maim and blind thousands of people at a time.


    Temple, Robert. The Genius of China, 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery and Invention. Rochester,VT:, 2007

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