• Flowers have long been cherished by humans for their beauty and symbolism. Insects and other animals depend on them for food.

    Flower Parts

    There are countless species and varieties of flowers, but they all have the same parts. All have stems, petals, stamens and pistils.


    In order for new flower seeds to form, pollination must occur. In this process, pollen from one flower is transferred to another. Bees, insects, birds and small animals can carry pollen from one plant to another. Some flowers are pollinated by the wind.

    Flower Reproduction

    The flower's stamen produces pollen. The stamen's anther holds the pollen and the filament holds the anther, acting like a tiny stem. The pistil creates the new seed. Pollen lands on the stigma, travels through the style (or tube) and creates a new seed in the flower's ovary.

    Petal Function

    The petals are the attractive part of the flower. They add both color and fragrance which in turn attract the pollinators.


    Pollinators are attracted to flowers to feed on their nectar. Pollinators need flowers to feed, and in turn, flowers need pollinators to reproduce. Each time a pollinator feeds, that flower's nectar is depleted. Scent tags left by feeding pollinators indicate a lack of pollen. The scent dissipates by the time the nectar is refilled.


    Plant Parts & Functions

    Pollination and Vegetative Propagation

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