• During Medieval Times, or the Middle Ages, people often lived in small farming communities that were owned by a lord. Under this system, peasants often lived more difficult lives and ate simpler meals, than those higher class individuals, such as kings, lords and priests.


    People in the Middle Ages often had low-calorie diets and did not consume many foods with vitamins A, C and D, according to


    Lords, their families and people who lived in manors, often ate more meat than members of other classes, although lower class people did sometimes eat fish. High-class individuals often ate geese, venison, chicken, beef and lamb.

    Fruits and Vegetables

    Peasants were usually the only ones who ate vegetables because these items were considered too dirty for richer people, according to Peasants ate turnips, onions, garlic, parsnips, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, beans, peas and/or asparagus. People in the Middle Ages rarely ate fruit because very little was available in Europe. Some richer individuals ate grapes, apples, plums and pears, especially in pies, according to the Castle Learning Center.

    Other Foods

    Lords, priests and kings often ate cheese, stew, pastries, nuts and salt. Peasants often had diets that were high in bread and soups, according to


    During Medieval Times, people of different classes often drank alcohol, especially ale, because water sources were often unsanitary. Higher class people sometimes drank wine.


    During the Middle Ages, lords and other high-class people started to use more spices on their foods because crusaders brought these items back from other countries, according to

    Source: Medieval Food Middle Ages Vegetables Middle Ages Fruit

    More Information:

    Castle Learning Center: Medieval Food Middle Ages Food

    Kidipede: Medieval Food

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